Our Project for #iwill

For our Step Up project we aimed to engage up to ten young adults (17 – 20 years old) from socially excluded groups as volunteers.
We would mentor, support, encourage and train them to help to organise our social club and other events every Monday evening, 50 weeks of the year. They would also be supported to play and coach for our adult disability football club and to achieve coaching qualifications.
We intend to involve the volunteers in the organisation of the club. This would include training in policies and procedures, equality and diversity, self-advocacy and fund-raising. They would help deliver our sessional activities, including video production, performance, and sports coaching.
We hope that long term improvements in confidence, skills, health and well-being will result in members taking a more active part in our club and in their wider community life in the future.

Background to the #iwill fund
#iwill achieves the following:
- Promotes social action amongst 10-20 year olds
- Helps young people support their own communities through programmes which encourage campaigning, volunteering, fundraising.
- Practical, sustainable skills and confidence building are key impacts sought through the funded projects.
Supported by
Seed funding from Government and the Big Lottery Fund created the #iwill investment pot.