What's On?

Let’s Walk! Worcestershire


The Monday Night Club and C&T invite you to
An Open Space Consultation Event

 Let’s Walk! Worcestershire 

24th April 2023, 5.30 – 6.30pm
Henry Sandon Hall, Royal Porcelain Works
Severn Street, Worcester, WR1 2NE

Refreshments, tea and coffee will be served
Join us afterwards, from 7pm, for a ‘Strictly’ Experience

Call 07973 788029 for more information and to book your place

The Big Question

How do we make the Worcestershire Countryside more accessible to people with learning disabilities and autistic people?

The Reason

Going for a walk is good for you!

Fresh air, looking at nature, losing yourself in your own thoughts, or enjoying the company of others, all bring wonderful benefits to our mental health and happiness. Many Monday Night Club members enjoyed our regular walks during Covid lockdowns, and all appreciated the improvements to their mental and physical health.

The Problem

People with learning disabilities and / or autism have many barriers to enjoying a walk in the countryside, including:

  • travelling independently
  • lack of support
  • understanding health and safety
  • sensory challenges
  • anxiety about new experiences

The Solution

Digital technology can help people with learning disabilities and / or autism to make the most of the many health benefits of walking in new and innovative ways.  

The Monday Night Club is working with Worcester-based, arts and digital media company, C&T, to create a collection of therapeutic, interactive walks, using mobile phones, to enable all of us to enjoy the simple pleasures of walking in Worcestershire. 

We will be joined by mental health and mindfulness experts to make sure the wonderful advantages of walking can be enjoyed by all.   

We need your help!

We want to hear about your experiences of walking in Worcestershire to help us create a collection of interactive walks around the county, using mobile phones to safely navigate the chosen routes. 
We need to know about the places you love – and the routes to avoid! 

  • Are you an expert by lived experience? 
    We want to hear from you! 
  • Are you a relative, or a carer, of a neurodiverse person? 
    We want to learn from your insights!
  • Do you support people with learning disabilities or autistic people? 
    Your experience is invaluable!
  • Have you some expertise to share about the benefits of walking? 
    Share it with us!
  • Do you want to learn more? 
    Join us for an informal discussion! 

An Open Space Consultation Event
24th April 2023, 5.30 – 6.30pm
Henry Sandon Hall, Royal Porcelain Works
Severn Street, Worcester, WR1 2NE

Refreshments, tea and coffee will be served
Join us afterwards, from 7pm, for an MNC ‘Strictly’ Experience

Call 07973 788029 for more information and to book your place